The meaning of straightedge  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , , ,

So the all knowing Wikipedia defines Straightedge as a lifestyle and youth movement that started within the hardcore punk subculture whose adherents make a lifetime commitment to refrain from drinking alcohol, using tobacco products, and taking any recreational drugs.

I became familiar with straightedge on a trip to Wales to visit my friend Jack at University when I met a girl called Olivia who told me she was Straightedge. To be honest I had no idea what it meant. Needless to say, she filled me in on it straight away.

Since then I have encountered many straightedge followers. At the Reading Music Festival 2007 I met two guys who had been doing it for a couple of years. They said they wouldn't want to drink any alcohol again and even if they did, they would be hammered off one beer.

Couple this with the fact that one of my favourite wrestlers, yes I like wrestling, called CM Punk (below)is straightedge and you can see why I kind of chose it as my blog reason.

I'll leave you with a dose of wisdom that a friend of mine once gave me; Don't wear socks with sandles. Random, I know.


This entry was posted on Monday, October 26, 2009 and is filed under , , , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


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