The Inaugral Masterpiece  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , ,

After over 8000 days on this planet and countless amounts of takeaways I decided to cut out all things that are deemed to be bad for me.....including the aforementioned takeaways. Bad Luck. Now I am faced with only two foodical (is that even a word) options. I could either cut out food all together and go on the Hannah Ashworth diet (she was an anorexic, its a Hollyoaks reference) OR I could actually learn to cook.

Well, this was a huge shock to the system, me being an emotional lacking android and all.

After much deliberation I went for the cooking option. The next massive decision that I faced was what I should make as my first meal. My choices were limited due to the fact that a)I haven't cooked anything from scratch in my life , and b) I am pretty much skint.

I then remembered that I saw my friend George cook a Shepards Pie a few days previously. He told me that it was pretty easy to do, cheap to make and ,if done properly, was delicious.

Carrots, Onions, Mince and Gravy is all that I required. Done. An hour and a half later and I had cooked my first culinary delight, well hardly but it was nice, very nice indeed. The best thing is, the leftovers will last me for two more dinners.....RESULT!

This entry was posted on Friday, October 23, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Mate, fancy a cook off? It'll be just like masterchef. Only shit

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