The BIG weight loss  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , , ,

Throughout this period of straightedge, which is now into it's seventh week, I have been attending the gym frequently with Darren and George,

When I say frequently, I get the feeling people think I'm going four to five times a week. This is simply NOT the case. When I say frequently I mean around two times a a push.

My little weedy arms and legs couldn't stand anymore days at the place where the motto is quite clearly 'Brawn over Brain'.

There is two basic sections to the gym: the cardio-vascular area (featuring such items as the treadmill,rowing machine and bikes) and the weight resistance machines(lat pull down and shoulder press)

I won't lie to you, my loyal followers. I tend to stay in the cardio area around 99.9% of the time. The other 0.01% I'll spend chatting to my friends in the 'muscle' area.

Anyway, I digress, After seven weeks of gymage I have been updating my weight loss on the main page. There's been steady drops in weight throughout the last month and a half but only minor, nothing to shout about.

That's why, during my pre-boxing match like weigh in, I was astounded to find out I had dropped a whopping 4lbs. It was pretty special but would probably not be nominated for this years 'Besties'.

When asked by George how I felt, I replied 'Lighter'.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 and is filed under , , , . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Keep up the straightedge mate it will be worth it! Good posts!

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