The review  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , , ,

It has been over a week since my straightedge lifestyle has finished. Lots of my friends are asking me if I've fallen back in to my old lifestyle, if i've started drinking loads again.

I say, "Of course I haven't", but really I should say, "Well, kind of". In all honesty I've kept a little bit of my straightedge lifestyle and I've gone back to a little bit of my old, unhealthy lifestyle.

I'm still going to the gym but not twice a week like I used to. I'm finding that I'm making excuses not to go but when I do go I work hard there. As for takeaways, I've been to the chip show twice or so since last week. Not good, I know. Think of it like this though. Before my period of straightedge I used to go three to four times a week, which wasn't healthy for me.

Finally, I come to alcohol.I used to binge drink in the first year. So much so that when my friends asked me if I wanted to go to the LRV dressed as a woman, I did it. Not a highlight of my life.

A picture of THAT night

On the day that I finished this godforsaken blog, I went to the local outdoor and purchased a bottle of wine, red wine to be precise. After a glass I was on the floor. It affected me in a way alcohol has never affected me before.

It was a good feeling though.

The First drink....again  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in ,

I've just come back from the Ember Lounge(Student Union) and it was awesome. Not because of the people I was there with, not because there was something great going on but because for the first time in nearly two months I had a beer.

It was like tasting beer for the first time.....well since the first time over ten years ago.

I won't lie to you guys because I feel by now we can tell each other anything. I felt quite drunk even after one beer. I felt like a girl whose over-done it on the VK Cherry.

We went to watch the football but for the life of me I can't remember who.

I'm going to attempt going to Gobble this Wednesday for the Christmas Party but I don't think I will last too long.

The reflective poem  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , , straightedge lifestyle finishes tomorrow (5th December). Whilst it has been tough to stick to the five rules and whilst there have been a few blips along the way, I feel that it has been largely beneficial.

Rather than write a long, boring post about it, I decided to write a poem to commemorate my last day as a 'straight edge' soldier.

Here goes...

For this blog, I gave up the Booze,
I thought it would be fun, just like a cruise,
But now I know, it's harder than it looks,
Perhaps I should have read some informative books,
I've craved alcohol, pepsi, tea and junk food,
The lack of these things put me in such a mood,
Despite all this, there are positives that I see,
I've lost weight and it's all down to straightedge and me.

Hope you all enjoyed this 'poem'.

The BIG weight loss  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , , ,

Throughout this period of straightedge, which is now into it's seventh week, I have been attending the gym frequently with Darren and George,

When I say frequently, I get the feeling people think I'm going four to five times a week. This is simply NOT the case. When I say frequently I mean around two times a a push.

My little weedy arms and legs couldn't stand anymore days at the place where the motto is quite clearly 'Brawn over Brain'.

There is two basic sections to the gym: the cardio-vascular area (featuring such items as the treadmill,rowing machine and bikes) and the weight resistance machines(lat pull down and shoulder press)

I won't lie to you, my loyal followers. I tend to stay in the cardio area around 99.9% of the time. The other 0.01% I'll spend chatting to my friends in the 'muscle' area.

Anyway, I digress, After seven weeks of gymage I have been updating my weight loss on the main page. There's been steady drops in weight throughout the last month and a half but only minor, nothing to shout about.

That's why, during my pre-boxing match like weigh in, I was astounded to find out I had dropped a whopping 4lbs. It was pretty special but would probably not be nominated for this years 'Besties'.

When asked by George how I felt, I replied 'Lighter'.