The Straightedge video  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , ,

When I think back to when I started this blog, I remember feeling optimistic. I remember being really excited about it and wanting to start as soon as possible. It quickly became apparent that the key to being straightedge was having other people around you who were straightedge.

That was my problem, I didn't have anyone like that around me. That night at the LRV was kind of like the last straw. Being surrounded by drunken messes did not really help my straightedge lifestyle.

I found this video on YouTube the other day, it really gave me more of an insight into the straightedge lifestyle. It made me realise the the straightedge movement is a lot more than just not drinking and taking drugs. It's about keeping yourself 'pure' to a certain degree.

The Football Manager game  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , ,

Since September, myself and my two friends ,Darren and Tom, have been playing a game of Football Manager. For anyone who doesn't know what Football Manager is, it's a long running, football management simulation game that allows players to take over as manager over there favourite football team.

In our game, I'm my beloved Birmingham City, Darren's Reading FC and little old Tom is Derby County . I can't explain how addictive this game is. We regularly play for seven hours plus.

The best thing about our Football Manager sessions is alcohol. It makes us (obviously) drunk and allows the banter to flow. For example, when we're playing our matches, we take a leaf out of cult football show 'Soccer Saturday'. We'll behave like we are actually there in the studio and are giving minute by minute coverage of our matches.

It's kind of lame but we like it.

In one of our great seasons we made a bet where the person who finished highest would get £5 off the other two of us...Darren won. We also had a prize for the player whose team got the most bookings. That person would be the recipient of a condom. Tom was that man.

Me, Tom and Darren at the prize giving.

So when I told Darren and Tom about my plan to eliminate alcohol from my diet for 50 days they weren't best pleased. They thought it would make the banter less...errmm..banterish and i'll have to admit that it kind of has.

If you're reading this guys, then i'm sorry..

Not long left now though!

The pizza party  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , , ,

Sundays are known as the day of rest. A day when families go to church,mosque and temple or sit down to have a Sunday Dinner(mainly consisting of a meat,potatoes and veg).

Unfortunately, as I am no longer a Christian(long story) and I can't afford to go home to sample my moms Sunday roast, I'm forced to eat whatever is in my cupboard at my humble Uni house.

Today, that amounted to a stale loaf of bread, a jar of marmite and some gravy granules. Luckily George and Darren(yes, they are mentioned again but they're not my only friends) were making homemade pizzas and, being the nice lads that they are, invited me to join them.

We purchased the ingredients needed from Sainsbury's. Only cost us about £1.60 each. Bargain!

After about 20 minutes of preparation I managed to put together this masterpiece. It consisted of Ham,Chicken and Onions(as well as the default Cheese and Tomatoes)

I put it into the oven for about 15 minutes. I burnt myself when putting it in, my fault for not wearing oven gloves really. Mine is the top one...I think!

Out it came and it looked (in the words of Stacey from Gavin & Stacey) LUSH. I won't lie to my loyal readers, I ate it very quickly. I'm not sure if I even chewed.

All in all, I'd say it was a good day.A very good day indeed.

The state of regret  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , ,

YOU KNOW WHAT? I miss alcohol. I miss takeaways, chocolate,crisps and I miss tea a hell of a lot more than those previously mentioned. Being able to dunk a custard cream into a 'brew' was my only salvation.

I absolutely regret doing this idea for my blog now. My near non-existent social life has actually become non-existent. This can be attributed to just one thing about my straightedge alcohol.

The best moments of the last five years have all involved alcohol or alcohol related incidents, as sad as it may seem. I don't have a wife, I don't have kids and I certainly am not involved in any sports clubs so all the winners of 'The Besties' (the imaginary award for the best moments) have been alcohol induced.

What I imagine a 'Bestie' looks like!

When deciding what to do for my blog I toyed with the idea of doing a music related blog. In retrospect, that would have been a much better idea. I could have even learned something new, written a movie based blog or even go for the typical sports based memorandum.

So as I sit here at 9pm on the 18th November, I am a month sober....and it sucks.

The first major blip  

Posted by: Rich Taylor in , ,

Dear Straightedge and Me God, Today, Sunday 15th November, I have sinned.

OK, so maybe I should backtrack a little bit.

I've just been to the 1PW (One Pro Wrestling), the biggest wrestling company in the United Kingdom, show in Doncaster.

It was awesome. Some of my favourite wrestlers were there, both American and British.

One of those wrestlers was a Canadian guy named Steve Corino. Although I've never been a huge fan of Steve, I've always liked his in ring work but I really gained respect for the guy after me and Darren spent nearly 30 minutes talking to him in the freezing cold even though he had a match in an hour.

The awesome Steve Corino

So after watching around seven hours of wrestling the show finished around half 11. I don't mean to offend anyone in Doncaster but I was starving and there was NOTHING open...except for McDonalds. I'm sure by now you're probably thinking "Isn't that one of the five rules". I respond by saying "Yes". In my defence, I had nothing to eat all day and the cheeseburger I purchased was amazing. This was probably down to the fact that I hadn't had eaten all day. I hope the powers that be accept my little blip and let me off.

I apologise to all my 'loyal' followers

Anyways, peace out.